Use "explicitly requested|explicitly request" in a sentence

1. Additional services must be explicitly requested when making the reservation.

2. This non-delivery cause reflects requests where the exchange partner explicitly declined a bid request.

3. For example, federal statutes might explicitly preempt, or explicitly waive any preemption of, state law.

4. I am striving to explain explicitly.

5. Low explicitly rules out diagonal captures.

6. She was explicitly forbidden to attend.

7. These facts were nowhere explicitly stated.

8. You were explicitly instructed to wait here.

9. She was prohibited from correcting grammatical errors explicitly but could recasts or request Clarification if an error impeded comprehension

10. Some state laws have explicitly recognized this right.

11. He stopped short of explicitly criticizing the government.

12. The Averaged formula was explicitly stated in [Co, p

13. Central banks do not implement this monetary policy explicitly.

14. He explicitly designs for men, very seldom for women.

15. explicitly acquires table locks for the current client session.

16. Google Trends removes search terms that may be explicitly sexual.

17. 4 Disaffirm explicitly apparent agency in the act commercial paper.

18. It can reach into sources that are not explicitly available.

19. The Bible also identifies immoral practices that God explicitly condemns.

20. Pointers are used to explicitly relate elements of the model.

21. The report states explicitly that the system was to blame.

22. The Provisions explicitly recognises the probative value of audiovisual material.

23. What does Condemnatory mean? Condemning; expressing condemnation, explicitly or implicitly

24. They explicitly denied that they are involved in mainline politics.

25. All atmospheric scattering and absorption processes are then treated explicitly.

26. " If the minutes talk explicitly about another round of quantitative easing .

27. 13 Her threat to resign was implied rather than stated explicitly.

28. But if you discuss “attraction towards minors,” Twitter explicitly Allows it

29. All vendors must be explicitly approved to run on Ad Exchange.

30. She has been talking very explicitly about AIDS to these groups.

31. The account does not explicitly state whose life was in danger.

32. David Rohl goes even further and explicitly equates Sheshi with Sheshai.

33. All rights reserved unless a "Creative Commons License" is explicitly granted.

34. The plan does not explicitly endorse the private ownership of land.

35. One Canonist who spoke explicitly about the issue was Cathy Caridi, J.C.L.

36. Fair market value is not explicitly defined in the Income Tax Act.

37. The philosophy of state socialism was first explicitly expounded by Ferdinand Lassalle.

38. The play was the first commercially successful work dealing explicitly with homosexuality.

39. The Agrarians explicitly rejected the idea that the South had an aristocracy

40. The New Testament explicitly teaches that the old law has been Abolished

41. Moreover, the air carriers receiving aid under this scheme were explicitly identified.

42. The Agrarians explicitly rejected the idea that the South had an aristocracy

43. • Explicitly outline accountability at all levels (employee, manager, deputy, clerk, government, public).

44. But, if you use cleaning products, you must follow the manufacturer's directions explicitly.

45. Heidegger turns explicitly to the question of what is involved in existing Authentically

46. If you find an unexpected page here, consider explicitly declaring a canonical version.

47. The first order equations take into account the longitudinal surface curvature effect explicitly.

48. The Georgia Constitution explicitly bars Banishment from the entire state, along with whipping

49. The materials will allow you to explicitly teach, reinforce, and assess common Adages

50. ], turning XSLT into a general-purpose programming language is explicitly not a goal.

51. You can also specify an object to lock explicitly with a parenthetical parameter.

52. Antonyms for Bewilderingly include clearly, comprehensibly, straightforwardly, intelligibly, understandably, coherently, accessibly, plainly, explicitly and

53. I would only belong to an environmental movement if it was explicitly non-violent.

54. 21 Far in advance the Bible book of Daniel explicitly foretold other international developments.

55. What's the meaning of this? I explicitly told you not to leave the room.

56. Several other countries, notably China, are explicitly trialing sweet sorghum as bio ethanol feedstock.

57. They are fertile ground for the emergence of an explicitly right-wing political force.

58. Synonyms for Characteristically include specifically, particularly, especially, precisely, explicitly, specially, clearly, distinctively, exactly and

59. Direct permissions are Analytics permissions that are explicitly granted via the controls in Administration.

60. It explicitly states : "The INPS shall calculate the actuarial equivalent of the rights acquired ...".

61. AEbt explicitly distances itself from any improper, illegal or ambiguous content on these pages.

62. It explicitly provides for the accession of third countries to the Air Transport Agreement.

63. In a recent speech he also explicitly linked the heat wave to climate change.

64. Antonyms for Confusingly include clearly, plainly, straightforwardly, explicitly, understandably, apprehensibly, coherently, simply, comprehensibly and cogently

65. Biotoxins The term "biotoxin" is sometimes used to explicitly confirm the biological origin

66. Model suffix is explicitly stated when the Annotator is the result of a training process

67. They speak explicitly about America's interest in preserving its relative , not just absolute, economic power.

68. The proposal does not explicitly designate any particular date as the beginning of the era.

69. Government conducted operations it explicitly described as Counterterrorism, in an outgrowth of President George W

70. Tacitly or explicitly, these beliefs provide your organization with guidelines and criteria for measuring success.

71. The problem of categorical aggregation is explicitly addressed and a method to overcome is suggested.

72. Current intellectual property (IP) legislation in the developed countries does not explicitly regulate 3D printing.

73. It should explicitly amplify policies which have been agreed as part of the business plan.

74. � Note that regulatory bodies may explicitly preclude such aggregation in corporate reporting under any circumstances.

75. In the remainder of this article, all rings will be commutative, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

76. The great Social-Contract theorists of the Enlightenment therefore explicitly excluded women from their systems.

77. In Italy the Northern League, part of the ruling right - wing coalition, is explicitly xenophobic.

78. It sounded rather apologetic and explicitly underlined that it was nothing to do with Bagshaw.

79. To deny older women access to routine screening is both contra-indicated and explicitly discriminatory.

80. equality of opportunity) have to be explicitly taken into account in research designs and explanatory models.